Slavery is being televised( I am not for Sale!)

I was born free, indoctrinated into

servitude as a woman because of

my black skin.

Cruelty baptized me with a brand

on my torso.

Bound me and my kin in shackles

and chains like beasts.

Forced me to bend like a palm tree.

The blood stained whip descended

on my back and crashed my dreams.

Sentenced to inhuman conditions.

Spirit was broken, morally deprived.

My heritage rendered me inferior to

be repressed and oppressed.


A wave of euphoria filled the skies

as the ship reeled across the

Mediterranean like a drunk.

I dreamt of a new life in Europe.

Reality felt non fictitious with each

passing day.

Anchored in the lee of the port, the

21st Century lurk waited for us like

a stone.

The sight of my brothers piled up

like rubbish made my blood boil.

Fear barked like a stray dog, terror

ensued simultaneously.

History was repeating itself before

my eyes and i was terrified.

Freedom had forgotten my name,

painful reality sunk deep.

I was now a slave- lined up to be sold

on the block for just $400.


The ugly page of our dark history was

re-written with blood on the Libyan soil-

televised and shared on social media

as hash tags with my images plastered

on the world screen.

The scabs from the transatlantic and

Trans-Saharan slave trade haven’t

fully healed.

Yet, here i am reliving the horror from

past atrocities.

Braving the blows my ancestors took

just to dip my feet in this Heaven.


Being African isn’t a shame.

My black skin is not for sale.

My ancestors didn’t match and fight

to have me bound in iron cast chains,

and sold like cattle.


I am not for Sale.


©FloetryC 2017

stolen queen



Author: AfroetryC

I am an African woman and a mother to a precious little angel. I love to use the term "Afro-floetic Queen" mostly to describe my poetry and my roots. I love, soul music and inspirational bits of knowledge to offer advice and counseling to those who need it. I can be very witty, straight forward but fun. Ha. ha... A colorful perception of the world - expressed in my poetry. I want to inspire people with my Poetry...give them hope, while also advising them. Life is a learning process and i am happy when one of my pieces directly affects or inspires one of my readers. Let's take a detour around experience, and let me fill your minds with sweet poetic juices.... Note: Just changed my user name from FloetryC to AfroetryC because the latter is more personal and describes my Spoken Word Poetry better.

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